Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Hills Are Alive with the Sounds of English

Message of  the day: Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. Attributed to Warren Buffet and shared by Lori.

Note: Lori explained she offered this thought in Romania and learned there is a matching Romanian proverb. She asked if Poland had a similar proverb and Dorota replied affirmatively. In Poland the proverb is that a man must plant a tree, build a house, and have a son. 

The Hills Are Alive with the Sounds of English
Our Global Zakopane trip is finally underway,
with wedding rebel rousers and a soggy, rain soaked day.
But the karaoke crooners have finally taken flight.
The sky is azure blue
and the sun is shining bright.
So at nine o’clock sharp
the excitement begins,
dedication ensues with our young Polish friends. 
There was bingo and numbers plus speeches galore,
and after rock-climbing Al’s bound to be sore.
Kids playing and learning –
what a beautiful sight!
(and for only today)
So long, farewell, dobranoc, good night!
Journal Poetry by Brenda