Friday, October 26, 2012


Today was a crisp, yet wet, October day.

The team began the day with a breakfast of 'blinkies" and the usual Polish breakfast bevy of veggies, meats, fruits and breads.

The message of the day was read followed by the previous days' journal.  Dorota discussed the team assignments-including likely student changes for the Siedlce group.

Discussion at breakfast relayed various invitations from students and their families to volunteers for tea or a meal tonight or later this week.  Proof positive of welcoming and gratitude by the community.

The morning group left as usual for their assignments and the afternoon group returned to their lesson preparation or sick bay rest in Marilyn & Teala's case.

Upon return, student assignment changes for the afternoon team appeared to be successful for both volunteers and their classes--and likely Dorota as well.

All of the ladies returned to Reymontowka for a dinner of revered potato latkes with a creamy mushroom sauce.  Renee was absent--instead dining with a new school acquaintance.  Conversations of the night reminisced of team travels, communication technologies and beloved pets...all set to the tune of new Reymontowka arrivals at the next table enjoying dinner and a bottle of Poland's clear courage.