Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Challenging Adventure

After a delicious breakfast of Polish crepes with ricotta cheese and many other treats, the team left for their assignments.  Teala and Carol stayed behind as both were under the weather.  Margo, Maureen and Marilyn left before lunch for their assignments in Siedlce.  They enjoyed the beautiful autumn scenery along the way.


While the sun tried to appear in the morning, the fog soon took over.  Winter is definitely on the way.


The first school in Siedlce greeted the volunteers rambunctiously which was encouraging for the second day of school.  The volunteers ate lunch between classes at the school with the regular English teacher.  At the second school in Siedlce the classes competed with a school dance, but the students remained attentive to their lessons.


We all joined together for a nice dinner with conversation about our teaching days.  Dorota, our tireless leader, joined us for tea with her husband.


Tomorrow will be another challenging adventure.