Thursday, July 11, 2013

Grand Finale

Two messages of the day shared by Kaelan: Life is like a bicycle; to keep your balance you must keep moving. Attributed to Albert Einstein
Courage doesn’t always roar; sometimes courage is a quiet voice at the end of the day saying,   “I’ll try again tomorrow.” Attributed to Mary Ann Rademacher

On Thursduy each volunteer led four hours of English classes. One major activity was getting ready for the evening program in which each class would do an English presentation. In addition, some classes were relocated, because the very cool rainy weather was not conducive to learning outdoors.

The rainy weather interrupted the campers’ plans to walk in Dolina KoĊ›cieliska. We often hear that they don’t like the hikes, but perhaps they would have rather been hiking than the alternatively arranged activity – cleaning their rooms. 

In the evening we gathered in the bonfire area for the presentations by each class. First, we were graciously thanked for our service by the camp director. Then each group found their teacher and presented a Reymontowka shirt. Then we were on to the class presentations. 

Fred was feeling a bit nervous about what his students might present. The only thing he knew is that he was asked to draw an American flag. This group was the first one up. The students held up a big poster with the American flag on one side and the Polish flag on the other. One of his students reported on all the activities they had done together in his class. This presentation concluded with, “We will be here next year and we hope you will be here, too.” 
 Other groups presented songs, and one presented the Top 10 List for this Zakopane camp.
Kaelan did a great job introducing the rap presented by the class taught by him and Barbara. He pointed out that on Wednesday this group didn’t have any idea of what to do and by Thursday night they had the rap written and ready for presentation. They had definitely worked hard to prepare this all in English under a short timeline. Teams Aloha presented together by each telling us a meaning for the word Aloha. Brenda’s group sang a true Texas song: "What the Cowgirls Do.”

Next on the agenda was lighting the bonfire so that everyone could roast kielbasa. A guitar appeared and we were treated to the wonderful Polish songs traditionally sung at bonfires.   

Meanwhile the campers were having a great time getting autographs from everyone on their Reymontowka t-shirts.  

There was much posing for pictures, taken with both camera and mobile phones. It was a great happy party, and the campers were made even happier because their curfew was extended by the camp director for an extra thirty minutes.