Message of the day: You cannot control events, but you can choose
your response. Do the best you can with the knowledge you have. Tomorrow is
another day. Thought attributed to Renata Prownzano, who was born in Holland to
a Dutch mother and a Sicilian father.
She came to Hawaii in 2000 and became fascinated with Hawaiian
proverbs.) Message shared by Susan.
Tuesday was a very
different day. We filled a van with students who had lots to say.
We viewed Lake
Dunajec and Castle Niedzica, and agreed that Polish words are hard to say.
We then took a glorious ride in a raft with a Polish man
pushing the poles through a water current draft. We heard many jokes: some
funny, some not. The boat was cleverly made craft.
We arrived in a town named Szczawnica, but some thought it
was Krościenko.
Day 7 with Global Volunteers was quite invigorating, lot of
conversation, warm weather, and good chatting.
We look out at the Tatras, gently led by Dorota, sharing
knowledge and learning with no quotas.
Journal limerick by Susan
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