Friday, July 20, 2012

End of the Week

We had our usual team meeting and then Dorota took our team picture. She also found most of the classes today for a class picture, too.

Today some different things happened in classes. Dorota videotaped a bit of Sara’s class. Lori brought along her computer so that the students could view the videos of themselves doing the Poland night activities reported above. Kamil, one of the Polish English teachers, took his class on a bit of scavenger hunt.   In Lori’s class the students also learned that very is the word to add to windy to express how the wind was acting today.

During the 4th hour classes were moved into the Big Room because of the wind. All joined together for presentations by two volunteers. Lynn first did a presentation about Milwaukee with some additional information about Wisconsin. The students had many questions for her.

Carol followed, discussing primarily Chicago with some additional facts about Illinois. Julia, a camper who lives in the United States, described her school day. At the end of Carol’s presentation, her students presented her with their thanks along with a Reymontówka T-shirt.

We volunteers all traveled to Warsaw by train. Sara, Lynn and Lori checked into a B&B and Carol left her luggage there for a bit. Lori went back to the train station quickly and took a train to the Ursus area of Warsaw to meet one of her former students. Sara, Lynn, and Carol had a Polish meal with all the specialties – bigos, pierogies and nalesnikis. Then they got Carol off to a hotel at the airport where she stayed overnight in anticipation of her flight to the Chicago on Saturday.