Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Another joyous day in Poland

Message of the day by Norina “, If nothing changed there would be no butterflies".

We volunteers enjoyed another wonderful day in Poland.   We taught, laughed, interacted and sang
. .. and traveled. Having met a delightful young couple from Belarus the previous morning, we were pleased they joined us on our field trip to the “New Wonder of Poland”.

Two hours via our mini-van Mercedes bus southeast of Reymontowka, we explored the colorful, well-manicured grounds of the palace-complex, the gardens, the Carriage House, and Socialist Realism Art.
Upon return, we feasted on home made cheesy pizza. After the campers completed the scavenger hunt, we were entertained by the dance show performed by our  two new friends. Their dancing captured our imaginations as we reflected on the beauty of our joyous day.

Journal by Alex