Sunday, October 18, 2009

October 12, 2009

By Perry

For breakfast, the remaining eight team members slowly came downstairs rubbing their eyes recovering from a busy weekend. All except for Eddie, who walked in from a walk in the fresh morning air and smiling.

We were asked to attend a team meeting at 6 pm, before dinner, so we could review team goals.

Betty and I walked around the Reymontowka grounds to enjoy our surroundings. Several of the wood carvings were captured in photographs. Betty also made some new friends by offering three horses some tasty apple treats. More photographs were taken. Kathryn indicated the has an especially enjoyable day with one of her students, Agnes, who thoroughly enjoys American idioms.

At 6 pm we had a good meeting reviewing our team goals: student education, volunteer education, personal relationships, leaving good impressions and flexibility. We also got the see the interview done by the local Siedlce TV station host talking to Marek Blaszczyk, Dorota, Kathryn and Perry.

Dorota also shared that next year will be a celebration of 20 years of Global Volunteers participating here in Poland. There have been 2,500 volunteers here in Poland and a total of 25,000 volunteers internationally.

Thought for the Day (from Betty): Memories are steppingstones from the past that lead us to new experiences and new horizons. (Author Unknown)